Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hey Everyone

Since i decided to retire Countyorga and start fresh. It seems my love for lineage has been renewed! I started an Illusionist about a week ago and it is a ton of fun! The exp changes nc has done are awesome. it allows me to party my mage while i dual box! Here is a picture of my setup.

The little gamepad you see at the bottom left is what makes it easy since i dont need to use the mouse with it. here is a pic of the key setup.

i programed the first key to be the left mouse click so all i have to do is highlight copperfield with the laptop mouse pad and just click the key on the gamepad. it also has a wheel on the gamepad just like the mouse so i dont really have to use the mouse at all. except with those goofy teleporting things in noob tos.

i was doing a little leveling in noob tos yesterday and saw this.

This guys program broke and everytime he would tele into noob tos he would start swinging so i just walk up to him and he goes pink and dies in two hits. he did that a bunch of times or a mop would kill him in 2 hits. i hope nc does something about him.
ps... if anyone has insight spell please wis me.
thanks and gl all!


  1. Yeah, was fighting that guy and anytime someone hit him he would whisper them 'Sorry, I cannot engage in that action, I am already trading another player' or some crap like that, whispered to like 3 of us 7 or 8 times in about 2 seconds, every hit he took lolz.

  2. Good, now that you're back, maybe you could give me back that 7B-Bclaw i lent you to level!

  3. omg its been so long, i remember looking for you for ages but i think we were playing game tag lol. what bp are you it. i can pay the royal if your not on. that was a seperate game account and i cant remember if its still there.

  4. I'm in the same BP i was in then. Truthseekers. I play gametag with Dakotasky as well. If you cant find me online, you can wis Terion or Moonfang.
